Silhouette of Moonlight
設計概念 / Design Concept皎潔染白的氤氳中,引渡線條簡潔的美式手法,由業主雙方當中,喜愛古典的女主人所主導的設計,採白色鋪染空間敘事,搭配淺色家具,形塑經典耐觀賞的華美宅邸,揉合純淨色調與特色家配,加上複合性選材,創造恬靜宜人的空間氛圍。 The hostess of the homeowner who decides the theme of the project is fond of classical style, thus, the designer exploits the delicate linear scheme of bright and clear white hue, as well as to match the light-colored furnishing, so that create a charming ageless mansion. The pure tinge and the distinguished art decors couple with multifarious materials, successfully bring about the tranquil and pleasing circumstance.
設計手法 / Design Techniques
挹注活水於古典 . Classical theme 素面線板取代雕花鋪排於場域中,在一片雪白的塊面裡呼應著調性本身的簡約;向內挑高的天花板,環境色彩、飾板選擇等,在整體房屋的構成元素上,無一不跳脫紛雜裝飾,明示清雅、高貴的情境。 Make use of the plain trims instead of carve pattern to echo the concise snow-white tonality. The constitution elements of high ceiling, surrounding hue, and selected molding, all of them jump off the intermixed decoration and manifest the elegant and noble situation.
承托淡雅保恆久 . Everlasting features 相較於用女主人原先選擇的深色家具,來作為屋內的映襯,淺色的家配被選為最終定案;讓色彩浮沉於一片淡雅之中,跳脫深淺色的反襯束縛,和環境內不繁複而簡約的美式搭配古典基本元素,相輔相生,溫婉綻放。 At the beginning phase, the hostess prefer the dark-color furniture to set off the interior design of light-color, however, the furnishing of thin shade is selected as the final decision. Depart from the conventional pattern of the contrast dark-light hue, but adopt the pure elegant scheme, and gently incorporate with the classical elements and minimalist American style.
複合選材添層次 . Cherry-picked materials 淺灰漫流墨色紋理的銀狐大理石,燈光下晶瑩閃爍的滿天星石材,調性和室內一片和諧,除了使空間更有變化性,也豐富全室的視覺感受,同時吐露冷調的高雅氣息。 The Granite marble of light-gray texture glitters underneath the lights that forms the harmonious tone, moreover, enriches the visual perception of the whole space, and meantime generates the genteel atmosphere of cool tone.
區域介紹 / Regional introduction
客廳 . The living area
客廳一整面的落地窗,使用第一層花紋、第二層絨布的雙層拉簾,兼顧隱私性與遮光效果;銀狐大理石牆正映著沙發,仿古銅桌腳加上石材拼構的桌几、皮革搭配木料的單椅,連同單純的線板包圍區位,客廳多元材質的軟裝組配,在單一空間裡產生種類繁多,卻不使人感到繁雜的趣味。 The large-scale French windows of the living area equipped with double-layer curtains of sheer and flannel, which possess the function of privacy and light shading. The manifold furnishing elements of the living area, such like the marble TV wall, the antique copper legs of the stone coffee table, the single chair of leather and wood features, and the plain panels produce the striking taste of the unique space.餐廳 . The dining area
豎紋不透光的長虹玻璃加上壓花玻璃,構成兩層可向左內縮的拉門,一方面可維持廚房與餐廳間的相連性,同時又可遮擋油煙,防止其逸散至外部;位於備餐區內側的半高銀狐大理石牆,使料理用具隱蔽其後,而用餐處品牌相同的白色餐桌椅與吊燈,風格協調一致,其中餐椅更以皮革包覆,營造精品感。 The sliding door is made of MORU GLASS that can pull and hide to the left once needed. On one side, it can keep the interaction of the kitchen and the dining area, on the other side to block the oil fume emission. The semi-height marble wall of the preparing area well stow the utensils behind. The white dining table, chairs, and chandelier cast the blending texture of the same brand; furthermore, the dining chairs are wrapped with leather to present the high-class feature.客房 . The guest room
作為客房的區域,特設床鋪為油壓掀床形式,若孩童為此處的使用者,可以掀起床鋪,成為遊戲間,為考量日後用途而彈性配置的場所。 Customized a murphy bed in the guest room, which can swung into the cabinet to meet the additional demand in the future of utilizing as a game room for children activities.主臥室 . The master bedroom
翻玩純白室內色彩的變化,床頭合成皮與珍珠白裱皮的粉嫩色系,為臥室寧靜增色,而床背板的菱格紋,更形塑立體形狀趣味於室內。床畔兩側擺放切割造型抽屜櫃,更添時尚感,而正對著床鋪的,是避免電視鏡面直接映照的推拉門櫃體,當中尚暗藏置物空間,可收納包包。 Flipping the color changes of the pure white tone, first, select the bedding of rose quartz tinge to create the serene atmosphere of the bedroom; then, shape the headboard of diamond pattern to show the interesting three-dimensional feature. Arrange the stylish night stands of finish touching on both sides of the bed, moreover, set up the built-in cabinet equip the sliding doors to prevent the direct reflection of the TV screen, which can also employ as a storage space for laying bags.書房 . The study
因應男主人的工作需求,有別於客廳和臥室,書房僅設置單層拉簾,盡可能使光線能透進室內;中央亮眼的赭橘色書桌,以馬鞍皮包覆鐵件構成,擁有電動升降功能,體貼使用者久坐不適,能轉為符合站立工作的高度,並且在書寫時耐磨損,在冬天時亦能維持一定溫度,既具機能又呵護操作者。 書房背牆由線板置物櫃,金屬書架和月光雲石飾板組成,為房內另一吸睛處。金屬漆閃爍光澤,暗自吐露高貴氣質,除了讓區位顏色更突出,也做實用的書擋板,紋理和公領域相仿的飾板,更顯全室和諧,呈現一片潔淨之境中的靜謐迷人。 In view to achieve the requirement of the host’s work, the study merely set up a single-layer curtain to introduce the sunlight as much as possible. The desk of bright tangerine hue is plan at the center position, which is composed of Barenia and steel legs with the performance of electric lifting. Considerate the discomfort feeling of maintaining a sedentary posture over a long period, thence, the desk can adjust to the proper height for standing working; moreover, possesses the feature of wear-resistant and keep warmth. Make use of wooden shelves, metallic bookracks, and Calcutta Marble veneers to set the feature wall of the study, which is another eye-catching place of the room. The metallic paint glitters and delivers the noble temperament, in addition to set off the tone, furthermore, designed to be useful bookracks. The finishing veneers show the harmonious texture with the public domain, perfectly brings about the tranquil and charming environment.