An Enchanting Villa
設計概念 / Design Concept以冷調的黑、白、灰為基底,其中點綴亮面石材和鍍鈦金屬,一片低調時尚的大氣景色,便油然而生;因應業主好客的性格,玄關、客餐廳等地,皆有便於交流聚會的接待區與吧台,而多座藝品、名酒的展示櫃,以及隨處可見的花卉元素,更將其喜好與環境相互融合,散發著別具個性的藝術美感。 Adopt the cool color scheme of black, white, and gray as the basic tone, and then decorate with polished stone and titanium plated metal, so as bring about the magnificent, stylish yet low-key circumstance. Due to the homeowner's hospitable character, the designer sets up the sitting areas and a mini-bar at the foyer and the living-dining room, which are adequate for affective interaction and gathering. The cabinets display the art crafts and vintage wines, and the surrounding flora elements, perfectly couple the host's preferences with the environment, which give off the distinguished aesthetics.
設計手法 / Design Techniques
劃設機能區域 滿足會客需求 . Plan the functional inviting areas for the visitors 自毛胚屋著手的設計,擁有隔間自由的優勢,因此將入門玄關多分隔出內、外兩區,放置小沙發的外側,是讓客人稍作等候的初步接待區,內側則作穿堂使用,並配有暫放衣物、包包的衣帽間;此外,作為公、私領域的過渡,住宅中央劃有一道長廊,滿足迎賓需求之餘,亦明確而自然的兼顧家人生活隱私。 Take the advantages of planning an unfinished house, which can configure the layout freely, therefore, divide the foyer into two parts - first, lay a cozy couch in the dust area for visitors to wait for a while, after come in further, set up a locker for hanging coats and bags. Besides, as the transition between the public and private areas, set up a long hallway in the center of the residence to meet the needs of greeting guests and keeps the privacy of family life at the same time.
鋪陳亮面基底 妝點雕花巧藝 . Exploit glossy elements and exquisite craftsmanship for the spatial configuration 公領域中大面積的灰階色系,多以黑鏡、大理石等具光澤的材質組成,木質建材也經鋼烤處理成亮面,使屋內畫面明朗而雅緻,另外,由於女屋主十分喜愛花卉,因此軟裝與牆面多以此造型裝飾,並進一步延伸各色雕花圖騰,用於屏風雕刻或壁紙的立體紋路,在澄淨光滑的基調中,增加視、觸二感的豐富層次。 Make use of sheeny materials such as dark mirrors and marble to configure the most public areas; moreover, via steel-bake processing to make the wooden element with polished finish to show off the transparent and refined features. Since the hostess is fond of flowers, thence, adopt the floral theme for the furnishing and the feature wall. Furthermore, exploit the three-dimensional carved pattern on the screen and wallpaper to enrich the visual perception and tactile touching of the lustrous tonality.
特製展示櫃體 融匯業主喜好 . Customize a few cabinets for displaying the homeowner’s collections 由於屋主熱愛與朋友們一同分享、欣賞收藏品,因此住宅各處都安排了展示櫃,並依循展品特性,採用不同的材質與造型,如玄關酒櫃,便藉黑玻與黑鏡襯托名酒的經典珍貴,長廊處的壓克力格架,則以通透視感呈現卡通公仔的童趣,而與上述較簡約的外觀設計相異,客廳中陶瓷、石材雕塑的陳列架,由鋼烤木皮與鍍鈦金屬製成,搭配立體網狀壁紙,使其在嵌燈柔和光源的照耀下,與藝品一同煥發典雅精緻的質感。 Considering the property owner enjoys sharing and feasting eyes on his collections with friends, the designer sets up a few display cabinets of different materials and features that comply with the exhibit's performance. For instance, the wine cabinet at the foyer is equipped with black glass and dark mirror to set off the classical wines. Next, fix up the acrylic trellis of beehive pattern in the hallway, and via the see-through feature to present the captivating charm of the cartoon figures. Differ the above simple designed cabinets, the exhibition case in the living room, which fashions with steel-bake wooden boards and titanium-plated metal, moreover, assort with fishnet wallpaper, hence, the ceramics and stone sculptures gently shines beneath the recessed lights, as well as to bring out the elegant and refined texture of the art crafts.
區域介紹 / Regional introduction
玄關 . The foyer
玄關的天花板與地坪,以上下對應的方正圖騰,形塑區隔內外的通道與穩重氛圍;右側的深色木質大門,為冷調環境注入大自然的溫度,而左側的造型燈牆,則以木作噴漆雕花與訂製窯燒玻璃組成,美化此區與儲藏室的隔間壁面,成為令人難忘的第一眼印象,同時援引打燈效果,使進門處更加通透開闊。 酒櫃櫃體與一旁隱藏電器箱的黑鏡材質相同,並加貼明鏡於櫃內,搭配外部黑玻門片,平時關閉嵌燈照明時,是一片完整的深色鏡面映像,而當光源乍現,屋主豐富的名酒收藏便映入眼簾,令人讚嘆驚喜。 The corresponding squarely totem pattern of the ceiling and the floor at the foyer sets up the passageway and brings out the steady ambiance. The wooden door of dark tinge injects the natural warm texture into the zone of cool tone. The feature wall of spray-painting and decorative carved pattern, and laminate with customized kiln-formed glass, perfectly finishes the metope of the storage area, as well as to generates the glamorous impression. Furthermore, employ the lighting effect to create the transparent and open feature of the entrance. Make use of the black mirror to set up the wine cabinet and the hidden power distribution box; furthermore, mount clear glasses inside the cabinet to work in concert with the black door pieces. When the recessed lamps are off, the cabinet interprets the dark mirror feature, but when the lighting is on, the abundant collection of fine wines will come into view, which accords the pleased surprise feeling.客廳 . The living room
採光優良的落地窗前,矗立一座避免穿堂煞的木質雕花屏風,不僅為室內的光影線條增添變化,也可收納黑紗、絨布兩種遮光效果不同的窗簾,讓屋主依招待賓客或觀看投影等需求,自由切換客廳的敞亮程度。 為使活動時間較長的客廳,格局更加挑高舒適,設備機體皆藏於餐廳上方,並透過類似的雙層內凹設計,統一兩區天花板的形貌,與大理石電視牆外圍,延續玄關酒櫃材質的黑鏡邊框相同,皆有整合空間、增添開放感的效果,而電視櫃的希臘黑石檯面,則在色調與紋理上,同時呼應周圍的鏡面與石材,巧妙且自然的替空間增色。 考量屋主家中孩童的過敏體質,沙發區地坪採用紋路特殊的義大利地磚,拼接出家人喜愛的地毯質感,其上方選用圓柱形的小羊皮茶几,以圓潤豐滿的形貌,柔化環境方正的稜角線條,而黃銅桌面的金屬光澤,也在一片灰調中產生畫龍點睛的效果。 Due to the geomantic issue of the evil hallway, the designer erects a wooden screen of carved pattern in front of the French windows. The screen besides adding the indoor light and shadow changes; moreover, ingeniously accommodates the black gauze and flannel curtains with different shading effects, thus, the homeowner can freely adjust the brightness of the living room to meet the demands of entertaining guests or seeing movies. Hide the electrical equipment in the dining area ceiling to create a comfy layout of the living room for family activities. Take the advantages of similar double-layer concave patterns to unify the living room and dining area ceiling. And the dark mirror frame surrounds the marble TV wall, which continues the design element of the wine cabinet at the foyer manifests the spatial integration and open-concept pattern. The TV set with the black rock countertop echoes the surrounding tone and texture marvelously shapes the captivating touch of the space. Sincerely take the allergic constitution of the children into account, however, the homeowner is keen on carpet texture, the designer inspires to make use of Italian tiles of exceptional pattern for the flooring to bring out the imitate feature of the carpet. The specially selected cylindrical tea table of lambskin texture softens the square linear feature of the space. And the brass tabletop of shiny quality also sets off the finishing feature amid the gray tone.餐區 . Kitchen & dining area
餐廳中亮眼的紫色海芋裝飾牆,以及特別訂製的花形玻璃吊燈,將女主人喜愛的花卉,凸顯為屋內最脫俗的景色;餐桌上帶有異國情調的桌巾,同為其珍愛的收藏,因此進一步將布面的藍綠與淺棕色,應用於餐椅的選色搭配,為用餐時光增添活潑氛圍,使區域於冷調環境中脫穎而出;而後方半開放式的吧台區,不僅可供屋主與友人品酒,耐磨、耐熱的帝通石吧檯面,也裝有電磁爐,讓家人閒暇時於此烹飪,透過生活互動連結彼此情感。 In the dining area, the striking feature wall of purple calla lily theme and the specially customized flower shaped glass chandelier highlight the hostess's favorite floral element as the most stylish indoor scenery. The tablecloth of exotic texture on the dining table is one of the precious collections, thence, apply the blue-green and light brown hue of the fabric to select the dining chairs, so that put in the cheerful atmosphere at the dining time. The bar of semi-open pattern at the rear generates a perfect sitting area for the homeowner to taste wines with friends. Moreover, equip an induction cooker on the DEXTON countertop of heatproof feature, which serves for the family to make light meals in the unwind time, and consequently link up the affection via the living interaction.走廊 . The corridor
長廊中的壁面與門片,多貼有高質感且耐磨損的薄磚,利用其表面與石材相仿的紋理,與公領域的大理石建材遙相呼應;牆面中段區,向內鑿空一處作展示櫃用,並以通透且輕盈的壓克力製成格架,充分凸顯公仔鮮豔豐富的色彩,其六角造型則從蜂巢發想而成,象徵如辛勤蜜蜂般,時常出差的男主人,回家與親人團聚的美好意象。 Laminate the durable thin tile of high-class quality on the walls and doors in the corridor. Take the advantages of the harmonious texture to amalgamate with marble of the public domain. Hollow out a part of the wall at the mid-section to configure a display space. Make use of acrylic to shape the grid pattern of see-through and lightweight features, so as to set off the vivid and colorful touching of the cartoon figures. The hexagonal shape is inspired by the beehive, which signifies the happy picture of the hard-working host who reunites with his family after business trips.主臥 . The master bedroom
主臥天花板的周圍邊框,透過深淺層次隱藏管線與樑柱,而中央挑高的區塊,則以連鎖圓環的線板花紋,代表家庭成員間的緊密連結;下方深色皮革製成床頭繃布,在淺色調中注入安定穩重的氣息,而由於床鋪尺寸較大,因此於床頭牆加裝黑鏡邊框,以及帶有花卉圖騰的噴砂明鏡,既可再放大空間感,也免除臥室鏡面過多的風水顧忌。 懸空的電視櫃下方裝有嵌燈,使其視感更為輕盈,櫃門上貼復古鏡面,可映照絨布窗簾和木質地坪的紋路,並隨窗外不同角度亮度的陽光,產生多變的明暗色彩;一旁通往男主人更衣室的門片,以透光不透視的夾紗玻璃製成,其溫潤的淺藍色調,與周圍素雅的壁紙、裱布,共同圍塑溫暖放鬆的氛圍,讓屋主於私密空間中,享受舒緩寧靜的生活步調。 Adopt the double-layer scheme to set the master bedroom's ceiling border, which ideally conceals the pipelines and beams. The central raised area decorates with the chain ring pattern to represent the intimate connection between family members. Make use of deep hue leather to set up the headboard, which introduces the stable feature to couple with the pale tone situation. The added dark glass headboard frame well matches the king-size bed; moreover, the sandblasting mirrors of flower concept moderately enlarge the space and at the same time eliminate the geomantic worry of too many mirrors in the bedroom. Install embedded lights beneath the pendant TV cabinet, which brings out the delicate vision. The cabinet's surface of retro polish feature can reflect the texture of the flannel curtain and wooden floor, furthermore, cause various color shades via the reflecting angles of the sunlight. And the door leads to the master's dressing room is made of frosted glass of translucent feature. The warm light blue tone assorts with the elegant wallpaper and framed fabrics; fancily create a loving and comfy atmosphere. Accordingly, the homeowner can enjoy the laid-back and tranquil lifestyle of the private space.